Our Technology

Artificial Intelligence supporting our impact expertise

Impak’s technological expertise is structured into knowledge bases and taxonomies mapped to established standards, science-based literature, and regulation frameworks.

This allows for AI data pipelines to assist our experts in producing comparable, transparent, and contextualized analyses at scale.

impak technology logo

Key Points of our Technology

Human Expertise

Expertise is structured in databases and taxonomies based on internationally recognized standards, regulations, and scientific literature.

  • All known positive, negative and mitigating activities in more than 200 sub-sectors mapped to performance on UN SDG targets
  • List of scientific criteria to be analyzed for each activity, based on international standards
  • List of standard indicators, both generic and sector-specific, aligned to standards (GRI, IRIS+, etc)

Systematic quality control of analyses by our experts enables feedback and continuous improvement of our knowledge base.

Knowledge bases are versioned and follow a strict change management process.

Artificial Intelligence

Data collection is based on knowledge bases and a methodological framework enabling the management of large volumes of data.

Quality analyses are supported by an error detection system.

Inconsistent values are detected by exploiting :

  • Historical data
  • Reference averages
  • The rest of the analysis

Our AI can create models and estimates of missing data from data collected over the last 3 years.

It provides assistance in estimating and pre-filling data collection questionnaires with companies.

Quality data

Click-to-source data system, enabling data to be traced back to its original source directly from the report.

Use of lists, standards and structured knowledge bases to carry out comparable analyses and benchmarks.

Data aligned with the SDGs & international reporting standards. They include precise information on the perimeters of data points.

Each data point is formally identified, described and documented, with possible values and validation rules clearly defined.

How we deliver data

SaaS Platform impak analytics
SaaS Platform
We deliver data in a CSV files
CSV file
API image impak analytics