European Taxonomy Module

The most reliable EU Taxonomy database

  • 100% coverage of your portfolio
  • Click-to-source available for each data point
  • Fastest delivery on the market
  • For listed and private companie
100% coverage of your portfolio Click-to-source available for each data point Fastest delivery on the market For listed and private companie
Easier to comply with regulation

Easier to comply
with regulation

SDG alignment assessment of your supply chain

Audit express with

Data-driven insights

Data-driven insights

Minimal data budget impact

Minimal data
budget impact

European Taxonomy module 

impak - EU Taxonomy Validate and audit data instantly with our click-to-source feature.

Evidence-driven data

Validate and audit data instantly with our click-to-source feature.

High speed delivery

Combining AI and human analysis to enhance reliability and efficiency beyond industry norms.

Combining AI and human analysis to enhance reliability and efficiency beyond industry norms.
Covering your entire portfolio

Covering your entire portfolio

Our EU Taxonomy assessment guarantees regulatory compliance, simplifying the process by reducing reliance on multiple data sources and internal procedures.

How we deliver data

SaaS Platform impak analytics

SaaS Platform

We deliver data in a CSV files

CSV file

API image impak analytics


Crafted to assist

Seamless access to the largest EU Taxonomy Database
Streamlined creation of EU Taxonomy-aligned products
Efficient facilitation of EU Taxonomy reporting

Seamless access to the largest EU Taxonomy Database
Streamlined creation of EU Taxonomy-aligned products
Efficient facilitation of EU Taxonomy reporting

Estimate and benchmark your EU Taxonomy alignment efficiently and accurately.

Create products based on companies reporting positive revenue exposure to the EU Taxonomy.


Our proprietary Artificial Intelligence tools enable us to collect EU Taxonomy Data directly from reporting issuers. Additionally, we have the capacity to provide estimation-proxies for non-reporting issuers.

All we need is 30 minutes of your time

Learn more about this product and get a demonstration