CSRD – Supply chain SDG alignment module

A strategic impact analysis of your 

supply chain

  • Identify and manage long term risks associated with your suppliers
  • Attract sustainable investors
  • Prepare your company for future regulations
CSRD - Supply chain SDG alignment module
Aligned with 20+ materiality standards - SASB, GRI, IFC impak analytics icon

Aligned with 20+ materiality standards

SDG alignment assessment of your supply chain

SDG alignment assessment of your supply chain

Based on a double materiality analysis impak analytics icon

Supplier engagement
and interaction

Avoid impact or SDG washing impak analytics

Optimized risk management

Main features

Plan a transition strategy 

Know your supply chain’s positive and negative contributions to SDGs.  

Compliance with CSRD and regulations

Prepare your company for future regulations, avoiding potential compliance issues.

Compliance with CSRD and regulations
Beyond ESG Double Materiality Approach image impak analytics

Risk Management and Resilience

Better manage both financial and impact risks within your supply chain thanks to a double materiality analysis.

How we deliver data

SaaS Platform impak analytics

SaaS Platform

We deliver data in a CSV files

CSV file

API image impak analytics


Crafted to assist

Identifying risks within your supply chain,
Managing your risks more effectively & Engaging easily with suppliers.

Methodology & Sources


The Supply chain SDG alignment module offers an assessment of a company’s supply chain’s positive and negative portfolio contributions to the SDGs. Based on a double materiality approach, it aligns with several materiality standards, including the GRI, SASB, and IFC. The module includes an analysis of the mitigation strategy of all companies in the supply chain, affected stakeholders and an overview of its positive contributions to the 169 SDG targets.


The sources used for Supply Chain Analysis are exclusively collected from publicly available documents, including corporate disclosures (i.e., Sustainability Reports, EU Taxonomy, TCFD disclosures), and corporate websites. To collect information from private companies, impak has developed the impak Data Collection Platform (iDCP), which provides an interactive online questionnaire where companies can themselves fill in the relevant information required to perform an analysis.

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